Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Down the rabbit hole

So I feel that I very much went down the rabbit hole a couple months ago. Everything in my life fell apart and I was in such a confused state of not knowing who I was or what I was doing anymore. Before two months ago I had my life planned out, I was engaged and getting married. I was getting ready to start my life and my family. I was looking for a new place to live, searching for jobs in different states, I wasn't moving back home. Then it all crashed down. I lost anything that was stable in my life all in one day. Chris and I broke up and I wasn't sure that I was going to be okay after that. I no longer knew what my life was about because for most of my college life, it was about him and our relationship. I started wondering around the world not seeing anything that I recognized, everything was in a dark light. Then I found some solid ground, I thought that the falling was over. I found Mike and things started getting brighter. But the darkness was still there, it was creeping around with me. Chris found someone new and fell hard and fast. I hadn't prepared myself for him being in a new relationship that was going to move so fast. I felt lost again, how could he be in love with someone else already, specially since he only knew this person for less than a week. Because of all this my stable ground started to falter, Mike wasn't sure how to deal with the emotions I was having. Not sure he wanted to deal with the mental instability. But I am slowly finding my way around this wonderland that I have somehow managed to get myself into.

1 comment:

  1. I seriously dislike your font. It cause bad things in my mind while reading. Love Ya!
