Thursday, September 6, 2012

I'm Back

It has been awhile since I posted on here, mainly due to the fact that I haven't internet at my house. But I am back now and hope to post more often. I just started a new job at Walmart, I know it isn't the ideal place to work but it is something to keep money in the bank while I continue to search for a job in my field. I am also looking for a grad school that I want to attend. I am thinking maybe OSU to keep me close to my family (especially since my younger cousin is pregnant and I want to be there for her) and to Mike. But I am gonna continue to look because I am not sure if OSU has the program that I really want to get my Masters in. I will keep ya updated on my search and application process for all that. Mike and I are doing great. We are going on 5 months (officially) and I couldn't be happier.