Friday, April 20, 2012

Silence can be the loudest voice

Day of Silence
For those who have no voice for their rights
For those who are bullied
For those who have been forced into silence
For those who fear for their lives
For those who have fought
For those who have lost
For those too afraid to speak up
For those afraid to cry
For those who try
For those who are alone
For those who are forgotten
For those who are misunderstood
For those who stand tall through it all
For those who hide
For those who are proud
For happiness
For love,For hope,For freedom, For LIFE
For my loved ones
For us
For You <3
For me

Just some ideas of who this day is for.

Day of Silence

Today is 2012's National Day of Silence. This is a day in which you vow to remain silent in protest for the LGBT community's harassment and for those individuals who do not have a voice or have a weak voice for their rights. This is a subject that I feel very strongly about. Being someone who identifies as bisexual and have many friends that are gay, bi, lesbian, and transgender, I feel that awareness is important.
I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe is right. I will stand up for those too afraid to be harassed. NO ONE should be judged on their sexual orientation. It is no more a choice for homosexuals than it is heterosexuals about who they love. And to all the Christians that think that it is wrong because of the bible, need to stop picking and choosing to read into and what to believe. You can not pick one thing in the bible to believe true and ignore others that you do not like. believe all of them or shut your self righteous mouth. As Christians, are you not suppose to also love thy neighbor as thy self? Are you not suppose to judge, lest you be judged?
Being a bisexual does not mean that I am dirty, that I want multiple partners at once. It does not mean that I am confused or that I do not know what I want. It means that I can look past what a person is biologically born as and see them as a person and love them for who they are.
Stop believing all the stereotypes you hear about. Educate yourself being making your opinion. Sit down and actually get to know someone who is gay. WE ARE NO DIFFERENT THAN YOU. We just want equal rights and to be treated fairly.

I could continue on but I feel that I am on a soapbox now and dont want to over kill the horse.